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Organic  Acids Interpretive  Guide

Simple and streamlined for optimal Organic Acids Profile (OAP) usage.


Preview The Guide

The Organic Acids Interpretive Guide is designed to assist clinicians in their interpretation of dried urine, first-morning void organic acids results. The guide aids clinicians in preparing personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations for the general population. Appropriate support of metabolic problems associated with aging, chronic inflammation, environment-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, and low-activity enzyme variants may all respond to nutritional support and lifestyle modification.


Get Your Copy


The print version of the Organic Acids Interpretative Guide is ideal for in office use and for explaining OAP results to patients.
Print Versions can also be purchased for $15


Practitioners can download a free digital version of the interpretation guide. Our team is also available to provide more details about the test and how to improve your organic acids results.

The  US  BioTek  OAP Advantage

Collection Method

US BioTek utilizes dried urine cards taken at a first-morning void to make collection simple and convenient for patients.

Streamlined Markers

The Organic Acids Panel utilizes a streamlined list of makers to provide a solid functional overview of general health and mitochondrial function.


The interpretation guide breaks down each panel marker into actionable sets based on 3rd party peer-reviewed research.


Easy To Read Report Format

We redesigned the Organic Acids and Environmental Pollutants Panels to provide results that are clear and easy to utilize.

Check out the latest blog, "New Insights– Updates to our Organic Acids Profile and Guide" for a quick overview of the new report format and how to read it.


Read The Blog >>
Organic Acids Profile Sample Report

Evidence-Based Interpretations

The new interpretation guide breaks down each marker based on 3rd party research to provide insights and actionable solutions based on your patients' unique results. 

Join our webinar launch to get a tutorial on how to utilize the guide featuring patient case studies.




Organic Acids Interpretation Guide

Organic Acids Panel Markers





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You will also be assigned an account rep who will help you understand how to use the OAP test within your practice.



* Print Promotion is only available to practitioners located within the United States and Canada. Purchases of the Interpretation Guide outside of the United States and Canada may be subject to addition shipping charges.